Perhaps Ms. Vetra has not informed you, but CERN scientists have been criticizing Vatican policies for decades.
Later research allowed the CERN scientists to collect anti-protons among low-energy positrons until they combine into anti-atoms and store them at very low temperatures.
I'm really going to take the word of a biased alarmist blog rather than a CERN scientist.
Just asking the writer to exercise a little caution about assuming a conclusion that the CERN scientists do not.
Endre Hules as the CERN scientist.
He is a professor of General Physics at the University of Pisa (Italy) and a CERN visiting scientist.
The CERN scientists took the criticism stoically.
Did CERN scientists really break the universal speed limit?
CERN scientists have confined antihydrogen atoms for 1,000 seconds, four orders of magnitude longer than has ever been achieved before in capturing and maintaining antimatter atoms.
Most of his surgeries if not all were proven to be fake by established CERN scientists.