The CDC report stated that there were outbreaks among locals when the monkeys became overpopulated.
According to a 2011 CDC report there are an estimated 4,403,010 female victims of sexual violence that had a female only perpetrator.
The numbers appear in a new CDC report on American health.
According to a 2010 CDC report, health-care workers can take steps to improve their safety measures against antimicrobial pesticide exposure.
However, Edwards's results came from analysis of the same data used for the 2004 CDC report.
A CDC report filed later that year listed 40 violations.
It was a CDC report out of Miami.
Though there exists a CDC report describing tests for identifying lycanthropes and vampires.
If there's any good news in the CDC report, it is that the syphilis rate went down for the first time in 10 years.
In nearly every age group, women with the disease were in the majority, according the CDC report.