The CD-ROM collection also offers users historical perspectives.
The Buhl Reference Center also houses several computers designated for screening the Library's online databases and CD-ROM collection.
There are other CD-ROM collections of some of the sounds, words and deeds of blacks, like last year's Encyclopedia Britannica Profiles Black History.
Totally Mad CD-ROM collection, Broderbund, 1999.
The ground floor is air-conditioned, with conferencing, multimedia, internet, reprography facilities, a CD-ROM collection and a book bank for deserving students.
They released CD-ROM collections of clipart, games,and small office/home office (SOHO) applications sold at retail stores such as Walmart and Target.
If you would like your image to be considered for an APOD but do not want your image included in this CD-ROM collection, please let us know.
In the next several years, it was common to see release of a CD-ROM collection of Apple II files of various kinds.
Due to licensing issues, this adaptation had to be omitted from the Totally MAD CD-ROM collection of the magazine's run.
The CD-ROM collection omits all the large map supplements (though it includes a large world map on paper), and its second-rate reproduction quality and software cry out for improvement.