But its television income could be increased if it chose to expand the CBS coverage to include the front nine during the Saturday and Sunday rounds.
CBS coverage of the tournament is also available in Canada.
Asked if he has noticed anything revolutionary about the CBS coverage, Coyle replied, "Not really."
His objection to the CBS coverage is "they have trouble getting into the flow of the game."
Other contributors to CBS coverage included Jim Hill.
Cronkite had anchored the CBS coverage of Nixon's address, announcing his impending resignation, the night before.
Sevareid also appeared in or on CBS coverage of every presidential election from 1948 until 1976, the year before his retirement.
Dan Rather opened the CBS coverage with the announcement that "Republicans want to paper over differences."
Matte briefly was a color analyst on CBS coverage of football games.
So all he needs to do to get more CBS coverage and lucrative endorsement deals is to have an attractive starlet at his side.