It is related that a Byzantine soldier struck him with his sword and cut him in two.
Both armies suffered from thirst and hunger, and discontent spread among the Byzantine soldiers.
He refused to pay a very small ransom in 599 or 600 to free 12,000 Byzantine soldiers taken prisoners by the Avars.
Most Byzantine soldiers would have worn swords as secondary weapons, usually suspended from a baldric rather than a waist belt.
The battle was decided when an unnamed Byzantine soldier managed to capture one of the waggons.
There he was martyred by Byzantine soldiers.
A great number of Byzantine soldiers, including the two bishops, drowned in the Ofanto attempting to flee.
On 4 May there was a solar eclipse which frightened the Byzantine soldiers and lowered their morale.
Cartagena has in recent years been excavated quite thoroughly and a housing complex probably created for Byzantine soldiers occupying the city discovered.
Most of the Byzantine soldiers and sailors were killed, drowned, or captured.