The Byzantine force advanced cautiously, and arrived in the area in early spring 1281.
In 680, Byzantine forces sent to disperse these new settlements were defeated.
Furthemore, he was under pressure from the south where there were Byzantine forces.
After a decisive battle, the Byzantine force was crushed and quickly began retreating.
On their way, they were encountered by a Byzantine force of 12,000, which swiftly called in reinforcements.
The battle was a strategic reverse for the Byzantine forces, who were ambushed when moving through a mountain pass.
All sources agree that the Byzantine force was of exceptional size.
On their way south the Byzantine forces hit a muddy river which was difficult to cross.
The strength of the Byzantine forces, according to rough estimates, was about 100,000.
Byzantine forces retake the country, but after c. 1290, it begins to come under Serbian attack.