A special children's fireworks display will be shot off at 6 P.M. in Bushnell Park.
Two of them get under way in the next few days at Hartford's Bushnell Park.
Fireworks in Bushnell Park at 6 p.m. are early enough for children to see.
A special children's fireworks display will be held from 6 to 6:30 at Bushnell Park.
Down the road, a half-million lights sparkle in the trees of 18-acre Bushnell Park.
There is no charge to visit either Constitution Plaza or Bushnell Park.
Constitution Plaza and Bushnell Park are on display from dusk to midnight.
Bushnell Park can be reached by taking the Asylum Street exit off of I-84.
The section through Hartford is right through the middle of Bushnell Park.
It was named Bushnell Park in his honor by that city.
A special children's fireworks display will be shot off at 6 P.M. in Bushnell Park.
Two of them get under way in the next few days at Hartford's Bushnell Park.
Fireworks in Bushnell Park at 6 p.m. are early enough for children to see.
A special children's fireworks display will be held from 6 to 6:30 at Bushnell Park.
Down the road, a half-million lights sparkle in the trees of 18-acre Bushnell Park.
There is no charge to visit either Constitution Plaza or Bushnell Park.
Constitution Plaza and Bushnell Park are on display from dusk to midnight.
Bushnell Park can be reached by taking the Asylum Street exit off of I-84.
The section through Hartford is right through the middle of Bushnell Park.
It was named Bushnell Park in his honor by that city.