There is something there, some pre-existing quality, that avid Bush critics have missed.
I don't know which foreign threat the administration will start playing up this time, but Bush critics should be prepared for the shift.
Unlike that of most Bush critics, however, their complaint isn't that the president has veered too far to the right.
Mrs. Ballard and Bob Offutt, another Bush critic on the education board, were defeated this year.
That's why the bosoms of Bush critics are now heaving in hypocritical hyperventilation.
Mr. Wilson had already become known among Washington insiders as a fierce Bush critic.
This unique brew of Bush critics was joined by probably 90 percent of American and European experts on Arab affairs.
He ignores the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, which many Bush critics pin on the administration's decision to shift its focus to Iraq.
But Kevin Phillips, the political historian and Bush critic, notes that there are class differences even among the millionaires.
Bush critics speculate that the aspiring politician also did not want to be closely associated with a tax increase.