This harassment was covered by a local Fox News affiliate, titled "Nightmare on Burton Street."
When leadership refused this, some members formed a breakaway synagogue in Burton Street, which later became the West London Synagogue.
"Nobody Lives on Burton Street" (Greg Benford)
The freeway continues through the southern end of Grand Rapids, alongside residential areas until Burton Street.
The church is over 150 years old and is located at Burton Street near Concord Oval.
This ancient building on Burton Street close to St Mary's church has features dating from the early 14th century.
In November 1948 the Township Offices were moved from Burton Street to the Beltline (the present location of City Hall).
The rail bed continues southeast between Burton Street and the Central Canal Trail.
"Nobody Lives on Burton Street"
Burton Street Tabernacle (to become the new Tabernacle Theatre) There are also: