Bureau of Conveyances - Maintains an accurate, timely and permanent record system for title to real property.
The Bureau maintained courts in the South from 1865 to 1868 to adjudicate minor civil and criminal cases involving freed slaves.
The Bureau of Fine Art maintains more than 12,000 paintings, drawings, sculptures, prints and photographs from the 18th century to the present.
The Bureau of Land Management also maintains a campground on the property.
The Bureau maintains a network of field offices across the continent, on neighbouring islands and in Antarctica.
New York City's Bureau of Air Resources maintains a 24-hour hot line (966-7500).
The Bureau of Indian Affairs maintains an agency office there.
The Bureau of Land Management maintains an administrative building and several corrals adjacent to the main ranch complex.
The Bureau would also maintain records of revolver purchases and revolver permits issued within the State.
The Bureau maintains automated credit control information for the alcohol industry.