Maybe like me, they think of Alabama as the place where Bull Connor set the dogs on the civil-rights demonstrators in the 1960's.
The following day, 2,500 more students joined and were met by Bull Connor with police dogs and high-pressure fire hoses.
Bull Connor next would say "Turn the fire hoses on."
It was not just a place of bombings, police dogs and the water cannons of its sheriff, Bull Connor.
White leaders including Bull Connor denounced the agreement.
There is no Bull Connor rushing forward to defend the police officers who pull over black drivers randomly.
The next day, Bull Connor, the notorious police chief was asked why there were no police on hand.
My soul raged on seeing Bull Connor and his dogs.
"There are plenty of guys who can play Bull Connor - with conviction maybe," he said.
What everyone knows is that Bull Connor brought in the K-9 units and firehoses.