More than 90 percent of the Bulgarian economy is still in the hands of the economically inefficient state.
The entire Bulgarian economy was in deep recession.
By the early 19th century, the Bulgarian economy was growing fast.
The capital they earned in the emerging Bulgarian economy of the 1990s allowed them to build huge influence amongst the government.
Bulgarian economy closely resembled that of the Soviet Union.
During the course of 2009, the grim forecasts for the effects of the global crisis on the Bulgarian economy largely materialized.
The Bulgarian economy contracted by 4.8 percent year-on-year in the second quarter for the first time in 12 years.
If we look at the research, we will see that the Bulgarian economy will lose under all these scenarios.
All existing plants were nationalized and the entire Bulgarian economy was subjected to planned economy.
In the 1970s the industrial component of the Bulgarian economy continued to increase.