Buddy tried his damnedest to say: help me, but he didn't need to.
Buddy was back, and changed, and would try to steal the kill once he got through the door.
"Buddy," the detective told me, "you're trying my patience."
Buddy tried to cut in and dance with me and I told him, you know, to get lost.
"Get away from the door," Denise said, suddenly fearing that Buddy might try to ram it down with his bike.
"Whether Buddy was trying to pump me up, I don't know."
Buddy, blinded, mouth filled with blood, swam on the wet stone, tried to duck away.
The cast discovers that Buddy is no longer alive and try to contact him through a seance.
"Buddy is trying to prepare us to play baseball and not for other activities," Darryl Strawberry said.
"Buddy, I'm only trying to help her."