This color scheme was also affectionately known as "Bud Lite" due to its resemblance to a popular beer's can design.
He ordered a Budweiser -the choices were Coors or Bud or Bud Lite- and leaned back against the wall.
Weakened by decades of white-wine spritzers and designer mineral waters, they can barely hoist a Bud Lite.
Q. What is the difference between Bud Dwyer and Bud Lite?
All the men wore baseball caps, though here they advertised brands of beer-Coors, Bud Lite, Olympia-rather than brands of fertilizers.
Nachos supremes, corn dogs and Bud Lite moved well.
But proper celebration of Independence Day requires more than Bud Lite or its sparkling-wine equivalent, Korbel.
To some baseball people, Selig is known as Bud Lite, hardly a compliment in Milwaukee, a city that another beer professes to have made famous.
Indeed, a 30-foot-high inflatable can of Bud Lite commanded a prominent position, while many grocers wore bright yellow raincoats touting Camel cigarettes.
Anheuser-Busch sold about one million cases of Budweiser and Bud Lite in Mexico last year.