Buck wrote Animals Are Like That with journalist Carol Weld.
Buck had read and even written about "those kinds" of people, but even at his level of worldly wisdom he had never quite understood the phrase.
Buck wrote the teleplay for Tremors 4: The Legend Begins in 2004.
Buck got his own laptop and wrote to Ken Ritz about the possibility of going to Israel.
"The people at CBS know nothing about baseball," Buck wrote in his 1997 autobiography, "That's a Winner!"
If you want to join us for lunch in the Cape Cod Room, we'd be delighted, Buck had written.
Buck wrote a regular book review column titled "Asia Book Shelf."
Buck wrote it down and punched it in.
When the escaped king cobra confronted him, Buck wrote, for an instant, mind and body were numb.
Buck and Hunka wrote in their 1995 retrospective and historical paper that: