An image from a Bruegel painting, "May Day Feast," is meticulously embroidered in the center of a soft round linen pillow sham.
"About suffering they were never wrong, the old masters," Auden wrote apropos of a Bruegel painting.
The boisterous scene at the Icon Bar is straight out of a Bruegel painting.
Groote Wafelen, in its use of leavening, implies the need for the deeper irons (wafelijzers) depicted in the Beuckelaer and Bruegel paintings of the time.
The citizens of Neely "have the swarming, entangled look of the crowd in a Bruegel painting, but each face stands out separately, innocent and endearing."
The main character, a philosophy professor, stumbles on what he believes to be a lost Bruegel painting and becomes obsessed with both obtaining it and determining whether it is genuine.
Now Kuhl took a snatch of breath, studied the Bruegel painting for a short while longer, then turned away from it and strode down the hall toward the museum exit.
The title is a play on the title of the famous Bruegel painting (and the figure of speech) "The Blind Leading the Blind".
He was the leader, a big redfaced man with an unruly black beard, a lumpy overcoat and fur hat; an angry peasant from a Bruegel painting.
In "Bruegel/Duck Dancing," she ingeniously gives dancing ducks the look of peasants in a Bruegel painting.