Bruce Trigger greeted the emergence of such work from the Soviet side with the words: "No longer from another planet".
Bruce Trigger, Vol.
Bruce Trigger, ed., Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 15.
Bruce Trigger - "A History of Archaeological Thought" 2nd.
According to later archaeologist Bruce Trigger, these young archaeologists "were enthusiastic, but not very experienced in Marxism or in archaeology."
December 1 - Bruce Trigger, Canadian archaeologist and McGill University professor.
Scholars such as Bruce Trigger condemned the often shaky scholarship on such northeast African peoples as the Egyptians.
Day, Gordon and Bruce Trigger.
Bruce Trigger, Natives and newcomers : Canada's "heroic age" reconsidered (1986)
Bruce Trigger, a Canadian archaeologist who produced a seminal study of archaeological theory, identified there as being three main influences upon post-processualism.