Brown has spent years providing guidance to young black men, some of them gang members, and has helped many turn troubled lives around.
In the late 1930's, by personalizing and simplifying the language of the picture book, Brown helped find a new way of writing for young children.
In July 1991, Brown reversed his earlier position and helped council defeat the proposed sale.
Brown helped organize the public protest and helped attract media coverage.
In 1990, Brown helped negotiate an end to a 64 day budget standoff.
Rebuttal was a tactic that Brown helped institutionalise into politics and government.
In the mid-1970s, Brown helped pioneer the concept of sustainable development, during a career that started with farming.
Brown of course helped him all she could.
Brown, with eight rebounds, helped Charlotte control the boards, 47-33.
Brown also helped them to the Cuban title that year (1936).