But the house, built in 1887 for a businessman and philanthropist who was a member of a prominent Brooklyn family, has seen finer days.
A dip in the neighborhood pool brought tragedy to a Brooklyn family early Friday morning.
Five members of a Brooklyn family have been arrested on charges of passing the bills, the authorities announced yesterday.
The attack turned a routine ride home for a Brooklyn family into a violent ordeal of shattered glass and sudden death.
"Brooklyn families are tough and they're trying to figure out what to do," Ms. Gioe said.
The large cat, who had been living with a Brooklyn family, had a broken leg and was malnourished.
They donated $100 to "help a struggling Brooklyn family."
Pregnant, she applies for welfare and returns to the home of her working-class Brooklyn family, whom she has not seen in a decade.
After 14 years of waiting, two Brooklyn families had something to celebrate yesterday.
Low was born in 1850 to a rich Brooklyn family and graduated from Columbia in 1870.