A "What the letter writer has described are known as crossed checks," said Bradford Trebach, a Bronx lawyer who specializes in international affairs.
Mr. Jimenez, the south Bronx lawyer, has high hopes for the next generation.
A prominent Bronx lawyer, who insisted on anonymity, said: "He's not particularly ineffective or effective.
By 10 A.M. on Feb. 5 he was in the office of Hector Soto, a Bronx lawyer who knows his family.
A. "Consuls are not the same as diplomats," said Bradford Trebach, a Bronx lawyer who specializes in international law.
A. "Foreign diplomats should not be moonlighting in the host country," said Bradford Trebach, a Bronx lawyer who concentrates in international affairs.
Mr. Buttigieg told of a Mexican couple living in the United States since 1985 who were persuaded by a Bronx lawyer to apply under the extension.
Ninfa Segarra, another board member and a Bronx lawyer, has already indicated her support for distribution of condoms.
In the former category is Mr. Grutman's first boss, a Bronx lawyer named Burton Pugach.
The sources for the charges were said to be Bronx lawyers who declined to be identified.