The officer said he supported the reported murder indictment by the Bronx grand jury.
Would a Bronx jury have come to a different decision?
A Bronx grand jury refused to indict the officers involved.
Bronx juries were difficult enough for a prosecutor as it was.
Even if that were warranted, they said, the matter is now in the hands of a Bronx grand jury.
Yesterday's verdict came just a day after a Bronx jury awarded $76.4 million to a man who was shot by a police officer in 1988.
He says his style at the union is no different from what it was when he stood before Bronx juries.
At issue is more than a simple argument over which man should argue the case before a Bronx jury.
Bronx juries, like any other jury, weigh the evidence presented to them by the prosecution and the defense.