A good many doctors and other medical personnel from the Bronx hospitals now live there.
Their mother was in a Bronx hospital, having been hit by a car on her way to get them, she said.
And that, as it turned out, was also the thinking about disabled people at the Bronx hospital.
The 16-year-old girl, whom the authorities would not identify, has returned home after 12 days in a Bronx hospital.
Administrators at both Bronx hospitals say they hope a salary increase will enable them to recruit more nurses.
He died on January 2, 2008 at a Bronx hospital after a brief illness.
The state said that in all of the cases, the Bronx hospital was considerably closer.
The teen-ager returned home after 12 days in a Bronx hospital.
Later, he was sent to the Bronx hospital, where he would die 44 years later.
Every night, he picked up his mother from her job at a Bronx hospital.