Since September, there have been pickets outside the Broadway store concerning a labor dispute.
Staples, which signed a 15-year lease, is expected to open the Broadway store this fall.
The Broadway stores reduced prices by 20 percent to 50 percent on many items.
"It's cheaper than the Broadway store," she said, referring to the original Fairway.
Each week, some 50,000 shoppers, attracted by decent produce at reasonable prices, flock to the Broadway store, which opened in 1974.
There, the Broadway stores will be gutted and turned into Bloomingdale's.
He joined the company as a buyer for its Broadway stores in 1958.
A recent morning at the Broadway store seems to prove his points.
At the same time, the Broadway store was faced with costly renovations.
In one documented case, the disease had been carried into a fine Broadway store displaying the finished clothing.