You know what the nice thing is about the dressing room of a Broadway baby?
She was a Broadway Baby, after all, and disliked making movies.
Broadway Baby recruits a volunteer review team who have practical experience in performance and the ability to communicate through the written word.
Broadway Baby also allows the audience to review shows in addition to their in-house team of reviewers.
The room has the atmosphere of a post-college hangout for Broadway babies.
And when another of the Broadway babies stood up and asked, "Is this my key?"
From one who had been a Broadway baby back to his babyhood, that was an illuminating reconsideration.
"Broadway Baby" can next be seen tomorrow afternoon at 12:30 and tomorrow night at 11.
HERE is the story of a Broadway baby who did not have the heart to leave.
The ultimate in fan appreciation, 'Broadway Baby' style, it is.