It claimed that a large amount of money would be the immediate reward if you were delivered unharmed to the nearest British post.
Several British posts were offered to him, but so was the directorship of the Chicago Symphony.
It was a British military post until 1884.
There was a small British military post some miles south at Masoko.
Sherbro Island is the site of an early 19th-century British post against the slave trade.
On hearing the result he fell back upon Rustenburg, the nearest British post, his small force being dangerously isolated.
All this lay before him, and in his path nothing save only two small British posts which might be either disregarded or gathered up as he passed.
A friend familiar with Debenhams gave him the lead on the British post.
'First British diplomatic post in the world to open up each day, you know,' he said proudly.
The two rival British posts were amalgamated in 1821.