Already together with the British pensioners, we have over fifty thousand signatures on our latest petition.
Struggling on poverty incomes is a common reality for many British pensioners living overseas.
Mr Bowe said: 'British pensioners have had a raw deal.
Sign an online petition demanding parity for British pensioners abroad by following this link.
There are believed to be around 1.1 million British pensioners living abroad, around half of whom are in 'frozen' countries.
Only when all British pensioners no matter where they live, including these brave veterans, have their pensions raised equally each year, will we believe he means it.
Find out more about the plight of British pensioners abroad here.
She brought a case against the British Government in 2002, saying that British pensioners' human rights were being violated.
What has this socially created discrimination against women over 60 and men over 65 meant to British pensioners?
While the retirement age for the next generation of British pensioners keeps on creeping upwards, for film-makers the game is different.