TWO British housewives beat hundreds of professional cooks to pick up first and second prizes in the Indian Chef of the Year contest.
AXhile in London Massey vividly recalled receiving a letter from a worried British housewife with a unique complaint.
British housewife to High Com- P. 190n.
It was inspired by the daily drama of the British housewives and their dependence on valium as a means of escapism.
The piece, like "Rose," is a woman's monologue, involving a restless upper-class British housewife who imagines herself in Afghanistan.
She could almost be a British housewife letting her hair down at Butlin's Holiday Camps.
There were very few roles for women, but Mama claimed she got one of them, as a mature British housewife who seduces Mel in the steamy opening scene.
British housewives found Krispy Rolls even more irresistible than their Swedish counterparts had.
Visually even more packed is the work of Madge Gill (1882-1961), a British housewife and spiritualist who died an alcoholic.