It sold its British holdings in 2000.
An oil exploration and production company, Nexen, has agreed to buy the British holdings of the EnCana Corporation for $2.1 billion.
Besides a train track, the development and settlement of British holdings excluded most of the tribal population.
The British holdings were expected to increase to 561 by August 1940 due to completion of reconditioning and repairs.
But even Mr. Wormley has increased his British holdings over the past year to 17 percent from 5 percent of the portfolio.
Hanson's British holdings include the Imperial Tobacco Group and stakes in companies like Midland Bank.
The manuscript itself is now part of the British Library's holdings.
Malacca at that time was a British holding.
During the American Revolutionary War, Spain attacked British holdings in West Florida.
London attendance figures were 180,000 for the paintings and 120,000 for the separate (free-entry) display of prints drawn from the British Museum's holdings.