British dealers said earlier that prices had been pushed higher by market sentiment that silver has been undervalued in relation to gold.
Peter Finer, another British dealer, is also interested in cultivating American clients.
Ms. Maneker said the buyer was a British dealer who has not been identified.
Demand for second-hand equipment is high, and British dealers would do well to take a look at the opportunities, he adds.
There are only 18 British dealers so far, so for more details, contact 01507 522900 or visit www.lambretta
British dealers bite the Big Apple: American collectors set the pace and the prices.
Old-timers grumble that the fair should remain a showcase for British dealers only, while many of the newcomers think it's still not international enough.
Littlefield bought the combo from a British dealer and hired a firm to insure that all Government regulations were followed.
British dealers, who have also enjoyed a profitable year, have not had to make the panic payments.
The continuing concern of British dealers is perhaps understandable.