British contribution in terms of aid to Zimbabwe stood at a half billion pounds since independence.
With this fleet, the British contribution was expected to rise to 750 tons a day in the short term.
There is no distinctive British contribution, and can be none.
Europe will be the setting for many further British contributions and achievements in the years to come.
"Drug metabolism and pharmacogenetics: the British contribution to fields of international significance."
The British contribution to the war was occasional but significant.
British contributions to the multinational force, officials in London said, would include Tornado aircraft and several ships, but probably not any infantry units.
But the "sophisticated" view - that the British contribution to victory is routinely exaggerated - somehow misses the point.
She claimed that the British contribution to the budget was 'our money' which foreigners were taking away.
In addition, the British contribution was an important part of the overall forces deployed.