Initially the cars were generally identical to their British contemporaries, however the local production was quickly modified to suit the harsher roads and climate of Australia.
Because the flywheel is lighter than British contemporaries, the engine tends to pick up revs more rapidly when the throttle is opened quickly.
Wellington's contemporaries, both French and British, criticized his handling of the battle.
Young refugees were not allowed to compete with their British contemporaries, and the jobs open to refugees had to be specifically created for them.
It eventually materialised with the 3-ship Charlemagne class, which introduced armament nearly on a par with its British contemporaries.
Hirst stands far above his British contemporaries.
Compared to their British contemporaries, the Nassau-class ships were lighter and had a wider beam.
As a result, they compared unfavorably with their British contemporaries.
There's a surging wonder to their songs, something elevating that sets them aside from many of their apologetic British contemporaries.
None of his British contemporaries have broken the ten second barrier on more than one occasion; Chambers has done so five times.