Hitting 3,000 metres in 7:38.93, even the British commentators announcing the race counted him out.
British commentators were quick to say that Lobbygate was no Watergate.
The odd thing is that many Americans don't seem to understand their own constitution - and British commentators often understand it even less.
That, in any case, is the widespread view of British commentators and reporters, who would like the man they call the quiet American to speak up.
She was a British political commentator with contacts in high places at the Foreign Office.
My very own sin is I like British commentators, for better and for worse.
Hands up among the British commentators who feels proudly responsible for their nations involvement in Iraq?
There was, however, a rare suggestion by an independent British commentator that the air war might actually be working.
Other British commentators agreed that this was a possibility.
I have recently been struck, too, by a telling difference between British and French rugby commentators.