The bright gilt finish of the aluminum bucket (below) that is $23 at Bridge Kitchenware (212-838-6746) gives an instant lift to any party.
Bridge Kitchenware, 214 East 52d Street, New York 10022; (212) 688-4220.
The Peltex, made for professionals, is $18.95 at Bridge Kitchenware, 214 East 52nd Street, (212) 688-4220.
Bridge Kitchenware, crosstown, was the place to go to seek other hard-to-find utensils.
At Bridge Kitchenware, the sheets will be $17.95 during August; $21.95 otherwise.
Once a friend was buying a knife at Bridge Kitchenware, and he asked for a professional discount, a standard practice, but he had forgotten his restaurant's business card.
At Bridge Kitchenware, 214 East 52nd Street.
Wüsthof makes two excellent models, including the Offset bread knife from the Classic Collection ($75 at Bridge Kitchenware).
Bridge Kitchenware sells its own model, a large corrugated grill that covers two burners.
A similar device by Amco costs $6.95 at Bridge Kitchenware.