Brick Theater, 575 Metropolitan Avenue, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, (212)868-4444.
Brick Theater, 575 Metropolitan Avenue, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, (212)868-4444, closing on Sunday.
Brick Theater, 575 Metropolitan Avenue, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, (718) 907-6189.
Does any company (outside of Les Freres Corbusier) market its shows better than the Brick Theater?
The team held an auction on eBay offering to write a play about the winning bidder and stage it at the Brick Theater in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Through July 3, Brick Theater, 575 Metropolitan Avenue, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, (718)907-3457.
In 2010, a theatrical adaptation of the film was staged at The Brick Theater in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Brick Theater, 575 Metropolitan Avenue, at Lorimer Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, (718) 907-3457.
Part of the Moral Values Festival at the Brick Theater in Brooklyn, "Flat!"