"We all suffer," said Reinaldo Opice, an executive at Microsoft's Brazilian unit.
The recall announcement came less than a week after the Brazilian unit of General Motors recalled 1.32 million Corsa cars for a similar problem.
On the allied left, the Paraguayans forced back the few Brazilian units, almost reaching the Allied camp.
The Brazilian unit of Citibank is selling $75 million to $100 million worth of six-month commercial paper.
The Brazilian unit, which was profitable in 1989 and in the first quarter of 1990, is expected to report a loss for the 1990 year.
The Brazilian unit of Parmalat hired a corporate turnaround specialist to help overhaul its money-losing operations, the company said.
Honda's Brazilian unit made about 820,000 motorcycles last year and 90 percent of them were sold in Brazil.
Brazilian military units also carry the national flag as a National Colour.
Aaxis will also begin talks with the company about acquiring ISS's Brazilian unit.
Troops were sent to Brazil, and all Brazilian units were placed under Portuguese command.