Now, though, a team of Brazilian researchers reports one of the very first functional neuroimaging studies of the drug's effects.
Ginga was developed based on a set of standardized technologies but mainly on innovations developed by Brazilian researchers.
Dr. Krieger is one of the most highly cited Brazilian researchers.
He soon organized the Department of Pathology, became its chairman, and began to assemble a small group of Brazilian researchers.
"This is a real problem when Brazilian researchers are working in other countries," Mr. Amorim said.
Similarly, Brazilian researchers compared more than 100 CDH patients, some of whom had fibromyalgia and some who did not.
Moreover, Brazilian researchers have not forgotten the case of the jararaca, the Amazonian viper.
However, in 2004, Brazilian researchers found melatonin to increase leptin levels in the presence of insulin, therefore causing a decrease in appetite during sleeping.
He was one of the most cited Brazilian biomedical researchers.
Experiments conducted by Brazilian researchers in the 1920s proved the method was worthless.