Andrade, considered by many the greatest singer of Brazilian jazz, has never had great commercial success, but is a well-respected jazz artist.
Cher's next album, Backstage (1968), ran in diverse musical directions, including Brazilian jazz and anti-war protest settings, but was not a success.
He is associated with Bossa nova and Brazilian jazz.
Live acts range from soft Brazilian jazz to salsa, blues, samba and folk.
He is currently involved in projects featuring Brazilian jazz, soul and electronic music .
In his early career, Malone has played as a session member for groups ranging from Brazilian jazz to English pop.
As with Brazil (see Brazilian jazz), the French were at first concerned it was too American of an influence before "making it their own."
He made a brilliant record, "Coisas," in 1965, representing the best of Brazilian jazz, but verging on serious, higher-minded composition.
He performs classical music, smooth jazz, avant-garde jazz, Brazilian jazz, and pop rock.
In this case, the news revolves around the classical flutist Paula Robison, who is taking up Brazilian jazz and the dance rhythms.