Brazilian exports are booming, creating a new generation of tycoons.
The share of Brazilian exports to other bloc countries rose from 4 percent in 1990 to 12 percent this year.
Over all, Brazilian exports to the United States last year totaled $16.7 billion.
Brazilian exports reached over a hundred countries and the programs have often proved to be great international hits.
The next step is for the trade representative to draw up a list of Brazilian exports to this country totaling at least $200 million.
The threat of sanctions has already hurt Brazilian exports.
Brazilian export to the Philippines reach more than $300 million dollars in 2007.
Swimwear, a popular Brazilian export, faces an average tariff of 18 percent.
Last year, Brazilian exports rose 21 percent, to $73 billion.
Up to 1850 rubber production was insignificant, but between 1881 and 1890, it reached the third place among Brazilian exports.