The war took its biggest toll on the Brazilian emperor.
On 12 October, he was acclaimed Brazilian emperor and by March 1824 had defeated all armies loyal to Portugal.
He found it difficult, at the very least, to keep his position as Brazilian emperor separate from his obligations to protect his daughter's interests in Portugal.
December 5 - Pedro II, Brazilian deposed emperor (b. 1826)
The prince was later acclaimed Dom Pedro I, the first Brazilian emperor, on 12 October.
She made a stop in Brazil and was introduced to the newly appointed Brazilian emperor and his family.
The stone was mined in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil around 1980, and named after the Brazilian emperors Pedro I and Pedro II.
Dom Pedro I, the Brazilian emperor, sent Colonel William Cotter back to Cotter's native Ireland to recruit Irish mercenary soldiers.
The government of the Two Sicilies sent a picture of Teresa Cristina to the Brazilian emperor, and she seemed to be a beautiful young woman.
In that same year the Brazilian emperor D. Pedro II, presented a gold medal to Father Azevedo for this invention.