Since Braille is one of the few writing systems where tactile perception is used, as opposed to visual perception, a Braille reader must develop new skills.
In a delicately tiled room for Braille readers at the front, a blind boy is playing the piano like a virtuoso.
Nevertheless, there are some fast Braille readers.
The findings should produce a model of fluent Braille which can be used to improve the strategies of beginning and slow Braille readers.
Pascual-Leone has found that Braille readers use this very same area for touch.
The company said that the displays can make word-processing, spreadsheets, graphs, CD-ROM materials, electronic mail and on-line data bases accessible to Braille readers.
We feel more and more that Braille readers are productive members of society who can be responsible to pay for what they read.
The estimated number of Braille readers in the United States is between 15,000 and 20,000, Ms. Croft said.
Lucker fondles the bag for a second, running his finger over the embossed dates and destinations with the attention to detail of a Braille reader.
That's started to change recently, and a new study extends the evidence to experienced Braille readers.