Olga was married to Brad Harris on 16 November 1967 and divorced in 1969 with one daughter, Babrinka, called "Sabrina".
These included Wanted Sabata, directed by Roberto Mauri and starring Brad Harris, and Arriva Sabata!
The museum is aware of the snooze appeal of the spot, said Brad Harris, the senior director of visitor services.
Finally, there is a look at "Smithtown, 100 Years Ago" by Brad Harris, the Smithtown Town historian.
The athletic director for RHS is Brad Harris.
The school also has a very competitive Marching band (which won many state championships and a national championship led by director Joslyne Blasdel and Brad Harris) and an orchestra.
It was directed and co-written by Gianfranco Parolini and starred Brad Harris in one of their frequent collaborations.
The disc contains a German version of this film and as addition an interview with Brad Harris in English.
Brad Harris talks about this film as well as about his film career in general.
Brad Harris also states in the aforementioned interview he had written parts of the screenplay and was responsible for the choreography of all fights.