Miles knew Jai from the Boxing Day Tsunami in which they both lost their families.
We saw a bit of that after the Boxing Day Tsunami in Asia.
At the beginning of 2005, the news was dominated by the recent "Boxing Day Tsunami".
The film's release was hampered by the Boxing Day Tsunami which also hit Chennai.
The Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004 has raised the salt content of the ground water.
The island was severely affected by the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004.
It was completely flattened and destroyed by the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, where its population dwindled from 7,500 to 400.
The official death toll from the Boxing Day Tsunami in the affected countries stands at approximately 230,000 people dead or still missing.
Boxing Day Tsunami occurs in Indian Ocean, leading to the deaths of 230,000.
Broadbridge died only days later while on his honeymoon, as a result of the Boxing Day Tsunami.
Miles knew Jai from the Boxing Day Tsunami in which they both lost their families.
We saw a bit of that after the Boxing Day Tsunami in Asia.
At the beginning of 2005, the news was dominated by the recent "Boxing Day Tsunami".
The film's release was hampered by the Boxing Day Tsunami which also hit Chennai.
The Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004 has raised the salt content of the ground water.
The island was severely affected by the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004.
It was completely flattened and destroyed by the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, where its population dwindled from 7,500 to 400.
The official death toll from the Boxing Day Tsunami in the affected countries stands at approximately 230,000 people dead or still missing.
Boxing Day Tsunami occurs in Indian Ocean, leading to the deaths of 230,000.
Broadbridge died only days later while on his honeymoon, as a result of the Boxing Day Tsunami.