Hamilton Park, on Boulevard East, site of former Eldorado Park.
Galaxy Towers, developed by Prudential Insurance Company, were built in the late 1970s on Boulevard East.
Drivers on Boulevard East say they used to cover their costs with five trips to the city, earning close to $300.
On a typical morning, a dozen small buses crawl along Boulevard East in New Jersey in search of city commuters.
By 1913 it was completed, and considered to be fine for "motoring", and included Boulevard East.
Simultaneously, highrises were built along Boulevard East, adding to the population of the town, giving it one of highest population densities in the country.
There are numerous bridges along Boulevard East crossing over clefts in the cliffs many approaching 100 years in age.
Boulevard East carries three county route designations.
On Boulevard East, there are some two- and four-family homes, but most residents live in high-rise apartment buildings.
Donnelly Park, along Boulevard East, has an Olympic-sized pool, a fountain and basketball courts.