Dr. Rigby teaches at Notre Dame, but in the summer he leads volunteers from Earthwatch, a Boston-based nonprofit organization, on dinosaur hunts.
A Boston-based organization called New Leaders for New Schools was recently formed solely to recruit, train and place principals in charter and other small public schools.
Mason also co-founded Horizons for Homeless Children, a Boston-based organization that serves the needs of homeless children throughout New England.
Also, since 2008, he is co-chairman of the World Association for Cooperative Education, a Boston-based organisation dedicated to promoting work-integrated and experiential learning.
But the changes will not affect investors who have retirement accounts with the Boston-based organization.
Probably the broadest selection of learning vacations for older travelers is from Elderhostel, the Boston-based nonprofit organization with one- and two-week residential study programs around the world.
The partnership, a Boston-based organization, which was founded in 1997, is a national program intended to strengthen the number and quality of Jewish day schools in North America.
"We don't permit any courses to be taught that deal with the stereotypical aspects of the aging," said Cady Goldfield, a spokeswoman for the Boston-based organization.
This affiliated group concentrated its efforts upon the lobbying of national politicians and removed any need for the Boston-based national organization to shift its headquarters.