But the company, which will keep its corporate name, Boston Chicken, still has much to prove.
Boston Chicken also said it would eliminate some layers of management and streamline administrative functions.
Boston Chicken poured around $80 million into the business venture to get it off of the ground.
The stock market values the company, which is majority owned by Boston Chicken, at more than $850 million.
A company that he said fails on several counts is Boston Chicken, the restaurant chain.
Boston Chicken was another hot stock when it made its Wall Street debut.
Boston Chicken burst onto the investment scene in 1993, with an initial public offering that more than doubled in price the first day.
In 1994, Boston Chicken did its first convertible bond offering, paying a rate of just 4.5 percent.
Earlier this year, Boston Chicken was among the fund's biggest positions.
Boston Chicken, a restaurant chain, was the hot deal of 1993, more than doubling the first day.