As important, Washington and NATO do not favor the independence that the Kosovars want, fearing that new borders will mean wider conflicts in the region and even the destruction of the Bosnian settlement, which set up a multi-ethnic state.
But the United States and its European allies appear for now to have abandoned force as a means to encourage a Bosnian settlement.
The irony of Mr. Izetbegovic's dramatic presentation was that while he was speaking, the leaders who hold the key to a Bosnian settlement were not there.
Interviewed afterward, Mr. Cohen and Ms. Albright played down any disagreement and said they were united on what needed to be done in the next year to give the Bosnian settlement a chance to succeed.
Before the latest statement today, he and his aides had briefed officials in the United States, Britain, France, Russia, Germany and Spain, which have taken the lead in pushing for a negotiated Bosnian settlement.
The attacks were aimed at primarily at Bosnian Croat towns and villages however Bosnian Serb settlements were also targeted around 200 Croat and Serb civilians were killed and many more were wounded.
After six weeks of rapid progress that raised hopes for an overall Bosnian settlement, American attempts to resolve the Balkan conflict are floundering, beset by a worsening military situation and a diplomatic impasse over what territorial concessions are needed for peace.
Senator John F. Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, said the Administration's rationale for taking part in a Bosnian settlement was "rather uncompelling."
Mr. Holbrooke is known to consider Mr. Milosevic, despite all his faults, as a necessary collaborator to ensure the success of the Bosnian settlement.
Russia has been increasingly insistent that it should play a role in a Bosnian settlement.