The Bosnian police said today that their investigation indicated that the explosion occurred when people trying to rig a car bomb accidentally triggered it.
Naser Orić was arrested on 3 October 2008 by Bosnian police.
As brigade combat team commander overseeing 6,500 soldiers in the late 1990s, part of my job was to peacefully disarm the Bosnian special police.
During the war he rose to supervise a branch of the Bosnian secret police.
A3 Bosnian Serb police joined the exodus from Sarajevo's suburbs.
Details were unclear as to what exactly had happened, other than that the Bosnian military police had engaged a group of armed terrorists.
Eight charities are under investigation, Bosnian police said.
"On the field, security is the responsibility of the Bosnian military police."
He knew the Bosnian military police all too well.
Voters, often dressed in their best clothes, lined up calmly at more than 2,000 polling places, each monitored by an international supervisor and the Bosnian police.