He became president of Borden Chemical in 1954, executive vice president of Borden in 1964, and president and chief executive in 1967.
Borden Chemical is now owned by Apollo Management, a private investment firm, and Borden's food and dairy businesses have been divided and sold to various companies.
Previous owners include Borden Chemical, Smith-Douglas and Browne Gregg.
It operated the plant until 1987 when it transferred to Borden Chemicals and Plastics Operating Limited Partnership.
The report listed as root causes, that Formosa-IL and Borden Chemical "did not adequately address the potential for human error.
In July 2004, KKR agreed to sell its stock in Borden Chemical to Apollo Management for $1.2 billion.
In 2004, KKR sold Borden Chemical to Apollo Management, a private equity firm.
"Apollo Buys Borden Chemical for $649 Million."
Eventually, what was left was Borden Chemical.
And on Tuesday, a deal was announced to sell Borden Chemical to Apollo Management for $649 million.