The Bush administration appears to have decided to wait until the Bonn meeting ends to see what the new transitional government may want.
General Musharraf has bitten his tongue, hoping that the Bonn meeting will prove his worst fears wrong, Pakistani officials suggest.
At a Bonn meeting of the Group of Seven industrial nations plus Russia, the first joint statement about ending the conflict in Kosovo was issued.
Although it had once been hoped that the new Bonn meeting might kick off the peace process in Afghanistan, expectations had already been lowered.
At their Bonn meeting in 1978, the seven also adopted a tough statement on aviation sanctions.
Whether the Bonn meeting devolves into deadlock or quickly agrees on its membership will be an early sign of what is to come.
Boris Mayorsky, the Russian delegate to the Bonn meeting, said today that peace depended on NATO stopping the bombing.
"They decided in the Bonn meeting under international pressure to choose a new administration."
(RO) At the Bonn meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, the issue of forest biodiversity will also be discussed.
At the Bonn meeting attended by Mr. Cohen and in other talks, NATO officials said Britain had offered 50,000 troops for an invasion force.