Bechyně is a South Bohemian town in the Czech Republic.
A child prodigy, he started to perform publicly in Bohemian towns at the age of nine.
Patzau, Wisconsin in Douglas County, was named by a cattle trader originally from the Bohemian town.
From then on, he was kept at a house in the Bohemian town of Cheb.
Biber was born in a small Bohemian town near Reichenberg.
Only a few Czechs were willing to settle in the remote northern Bohemian town following its vacancy.
He Svozil lives and works in Pisek, a South Bohemian town.
This South Bohemian town was, up to its serious damage in 1620, one of the biggest towns in Bohemia.
Early settlers named the city after the Bohemian town of Protivín in what is now the south of the Czech Republic.
This is a typical Bohemian town, and there's an optional excursion to the Streckov Castle high above the river.